"CBT is one of the most common and best-studied forms of psychotherapy. It is a combination of two therapeutic approaches, known as cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy.
Which treatment methods are applied depends on the illness or problem to be treated. The basic principle behind the therapy is always the same: What we think, how we feel, and behave are all closely connected – and all of these factors have a decisive influence on our well-being.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a problem-oriented strategy. It focuses on current problems and finding solutions for them. Unlike psychoanalysis, for example, it does not deal primarily with the past. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is much more concerned with dealing with current problems. The most important thing is helping people to help themselves: They should be able to cope with their lives again without therapy as soon as possible. This does not mean that cognitive-behavioral therapy completely ignores the influence of past events. But it mainly deals with identifying and changing current distressing thought and behavioral patterns." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279297/
Research Articles
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